鉴链(JChain) – 一种区块链鉴分布式身份(DID)授权的知识数据安全传输与隐私保护方案

  • JChain is an knowledge data security transmission and privacy protection scheme with blockchian based Distributed Identity (DID) authentication and authorization.


  • JChain Network is a value-oriented knowledge-driven internet with the token economy model of data valuation , which based on blockchain enabled identity management (including distributed authentication, authorization and data-privacy control) 。

知识,在网络构架设计中泛指有价值的内容数据。 随着互联网传输的数据规模越来越大,越应该区分数据的类型、内容、重要性。只是一昧地最求增加带宽、降低延时,并不能解决未来的矛盾。因为线性增长的带宽幅度和基于摩尔定律的硬件发展速度永远更不是指数级的数据高速倍增速度。

  • Knowledge in network design refers to valuable content data. As the scale of data transmitted over the Internet increases dramasticly , it is important to distinguish the type, content and importance of data. Obvioulsy, by only targeting to increasing bandwidth and reducing delay in network cannot solve the contradictions in future. Because the linear growth amplitude of bandwidth and the speed of hardware development based on Moore’s law will never catch up the faster exponential growth speed of data volume.

知识定义(Knowledge Defined):是指一种以知识语义理解为设计思想、一种以知识智能技术为手段的实现方法;

  • Knowledge Defined refers to considering knowledge semantic understanding in design philosophy and using knowledge intelligent technologies as realization methods .

知识定义网络, Knowledge Defined Networking (KDN): 以知识来定义网络体系结构、以知识智能来构建网络构架

  • KDN network architecture is defined from knowledge perspective and based on data knowledge(not just plain data), and which is controlled and driven by knowledge intelligence.

智能生态网络(Intelligent Eco Networking): 以知识数据为中心、知识智能为理论的分布式区块链信任与价值维护的价值互联网构架(基础实施)

  • Intelligent Eco Networking : is a value-oriented Internet Architecture (or so called infrastructure) which aims to be a decentralized future internet built-in with blockchain based distributed trust and value consensus, and IEN follows knowledge-data centric approach and takes knowledge intelligence as the theory basis.

数据分发方案大多通过基于密码学的数据隐私保护技术实现云端 (域内)安全共享,但这种集中式管理方式依然面临单点数据灾难性泄露的风 险。中心化架构方案无法保证绝对的数据安全,一旦发生数据泄露会造成严重 后果。2018年Facebook数据泄露事件,5000多万用户数据遭滥用,诸如此类的集中式大型数据平台在系统级攻击入侵之后如何避免数据被清洗或者窃取。

于此同时,各国 政府层面越来越严苛的数据隐私保护条例也在规范着数据安全与隐私保护。 2018年欧盟正式出台《通用数据保护条例》(GeneralDataProtection Regulation,GDPR),明确了用户个人信息的安全并对企业处理个人数据做出了严格的条款约束。如何在开放环境下合规、安全地分发数据成为监管层和鉴别身份、保护数据权限方面成为一个关键技术挑战。

在开放的互联网环境下,”鉴链(Jchain)” 技术方案可以解决跨域共享的网络数据在公开通信信道中的传输和交换面临权限混乱、非授权访问、信息泄露等问题。鉴别用户身份、对用户的授权行为、数据源方与加工方的鉴授权行为进行记录和细粒度、语义化监管,确保数据的访问控制过程合规合法是保障数据隐私的重要手段。利用分布式的鉴授权建立访问控制机制,以分布式共识决策的方式提高单点的可靠性,可以更有效保护网络数据隐私。


作者 three_coins